Thursday, October 16, 2008

Writer's Workshop

Mama's Losing It hosts a Writer's Workshop on Thursdays. I've been reading for a while, and I've decided to challenge myself to write it this week. It's a lot like journaling to me, and I've never been comfortable with that, so I'm not too sure what will come out of this! The prompt choices this week are:

1.) Recall a time when you did something to get noticed. Write about it.
2.) Begin with “I wish someone told me…”
3.) If you could rearrange three things about your life what would they be?
4.) What do you love to create?

I'm going to choose #2.

I wish someone told me that life wasn't easy. Wait, people did. Maybe I wish I had more specifics about what would not be easy or maybe that I had just believed "them."

  • "They" said that dating was hard. It wasn't, at first. Dating was easy! Get asked out, go to dinner, see a movie, go home. Then feelings get involved. That's where dating starts to become hard. Once feelings get invovled, good or bad, dating is hard!
  • "They" said college would be hard. It wasn't, at first, either! Go to class, study, do your work, take the tests, get good grades. Wait, doing all of that doesn't automatically lead to good grades?? What? You can study your tail off and squeak by on a test with a C!! That's where college gets hard! Then trying to figure out how to balance dating and college, that's hard too.
  • "They" said that marriage would be hard. Nope, piece of cake! (Getting to the wedding day, challenging, the actually being married part, easy!) Oh, Scott is still in college, I'm working a real job, and a fairy doesn't come at night to give us extra money, do the dishes, do the laundry, cook, clean or take out the trash?? Oooh, that's where it's hard!
  • "They" said that pregnancy would be hard, especially for me. At first, it was only hard to not shout our news from my rooftop! Then it was hard to keep my breakfast, lunch, and dinner in my stomach. Now it is hard waiting til the next ultrasound (2 weeks!!!). Then it will be hard to pick a name. Then it will be hard being pregnant and waiting! So far, my fibromyalgia hasn't flared up, and I pray that it doesn't. If it does, that will make things harder for sure.
  • "They" say that having kids is hard.
  • "They" say that raising kids is hard.

Something "they" don't tell you is to avoid all of these things. No one tells you that any of these items is so hard to never do them. That means that all of these hard things must be worth it! Dating? Yes
College? Yes
Marriage? Definitely yes!
Pregnancy? While I'm not done yet, I expect this to be a yes too!
Having and raising kids? People have done it as far back as Adam and Eve, so I'm going to go with a yes there too.

See, I didn't know where this was going, but I actually like the outcome. This tells me that just because something is hard doesn't mean it shouldn't be done! I'm glad I did this writing today, thanks, Mama Kat!!


Diane said...

Speaking from experience, the having kids part is really hard (and extremely yucky, too)... raising them is extraordinarily hard... but as you say, both are worth it :)

Jenni said...

One of my favorite quotes is "I never say it would be easy, I only said it would be worth it."

It isn't always easy, but your mindset helps a lot. Great post.

KatBouska said...

I warn everyone "ohhh babies are so harrrrd and labor...ohhh it's so painful!!!" And then look at me. Even knowing what I know now I still planned the three babies that I have.

Diane is right. They're worth every minute. :)

jenn said...

Kids are very hard, but so so worth it. Great post.

Michelle said...

Great post and oh so hard. Oh and don't let anyone tell you that labor is's a piece of cake. :)

Beachy Mimi said...

Hey, I found you and I loved your post. I am now a loyal reader!

Stu Pidasso said...

Nice post for whinging it and letting it take you where it did!! And your right, it did turn out good. A nice life lesson for anyone. GB!!