Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Real Contractions!

I had some real contractions this morning, timeable at 5 minutes apart for about 3 hours. They have tapered off since then, but we're going for a walk tonight. Hopefully that will kick them back up!!

Don't forget, full moon and big storm tonight, I can't wait! :)

Oh, just a tiny bit more progress today, but the doc said I could be within just a couple of days, so that's exciting!


Michelle Wagoner said...

That is so exciting. I had Hailey within 48 hours of my first timeable contractions, so baby Charlotte could be here soon. Keep us updated!

Wes and Summer said...

funny story:
Wes and i got a little booklet of things for daddy to say while coaching during labor. It showed pictures of him rubbing her back and telling her what a good job she was doing... all well and good. But one of the very last examples showed daddy saying "that's right, just LET the baby out."
Lol, just let it out. Like maybe you are the one holding it in there.
I told Wes if he said that to me he'd have to miss the birth of his daughter because I would knock him out cold.

Keep us updated on Charlotte! :)