We put her to bed at 8, and I fed her at 10:30. She didn't wake up again until 1:30. She woke up about 3:15, fussing. I read yesterday that when a baby wakes up before 3 hours have passed, they probably don't need food, especially if they ate well the last time, but that they just need help getting back to sleep. I gave her the pacifier, and she didn't wake up again until 4:30!
This is the first time in at least 3 weeks that she slept between 2 and 4! I got up to feed her at 4:30, and she had decided that she was ready to get up. She was giggly, smiley and cooing at me. It took all I had to put her back in bed! I just wanted to talk to her and watch her smile. I felt good at that point, I think I had gotten about 5 hours of sleep total by then. But I put her back down with her pacifier. I replaced it every 10 minutes for the next two hours, but I told Scott, I'd rather replace a pacifier for 2 hours than be holding a screaming baby!
Her pacifier kept falling out, because she was keeping her head turned, staring at the light coming from the bathroom. She does this thing when she is happy where if you touch her lips with her pacifier, she "talks" so every time I went to replace it, she started chatting with me!
We got up at 6:30, I fed her, she grinned for 15 minutes or so after then played on her playmat while I ate breakfast. She is back down for a morning nap, and now it's my turn. We're going to try to get out to Walmart this morning, but it looks like rain. We may have to wait til this afternoon.
And finally, her first smile captured on camera:

Awwww, what a beautiful and bonafide smile!!!
You're right - much easier to keep replacing the pacifier constantly than have to deal with crying/cranky baby!
Are you going back to work?
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