Wow, what a different Thanksgiving this has been! We travelled (took 9.5 hours) yesterday, as did my aunt and grandparents from TX to my parents' house in OK. We get here and find that Mom's oven decided to quit on Tuesday! No problem, they also have a convection oven, so it would take a little prior planning but we could still make everything that we wanted to.
Wait... the convection oven quit last night at 9:45!! As we were cooking the turkey!! So Mom and Dad have a very generous friend who offered to cook it for us, so they took it to her house at 9:45 and went back to get it about 11:45 or midnight. Once it cooled, they were able to debone it to put it in the fridge. They went to bed about 1:30am!
Then today, we had to figure out what could be done in the crockpot. Our solutions: green bean casserole and the dressing. Both turned out well, and everything else was cooked in the microwave. For once, Mom had gotten rolls that just had to be heated, not actually cooked, so that wasn't a problem either!
We have lots of desserts and lots of snacky foods, so we've eaten way too much today. Baby girl (name to be announced soon!) really liked all the food, she's been moving lots since about noon today!
Tonight, after my grandparents went to their hotel (and my sister went to bed - she's not feeling too well) the rest of us played Trivial Pursuit, girls v. boys. I helped my team to victory with 3 of the 6 pie pieces! That never happens, so it was really exciting.
We've been wrangling dogs all day, 3 little ones and one big one. They're really fun to have around and have been the topics of many conversations. I love my pups!
I hope that the rest of you have enjoyed your holiday! So much to give thanks for this year!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Nursery Pictures!!
This is the start of our baby's room! It began with horrible wallpaper of tiny pink roses. We started to take it down easily, so we were psyched. Turns out, you shouldn't start in the closet; they don't use much glue in there! They do, however, use lots of glue in the real room! So it shredded like crazy! We had to get a perferator tool and used 3.5 bottles of glue remover! Huge mess, lots of time, and Scott did most of it. This was the first patch we tried:

Daddy is working really hard, but he poses because Mommy said to.
This is the color we're changing to, it's called Dancing Green, by Sherwin Williams.

Daddy is working really hard, but he poses because Mommy said to.
This is our jail bird at the door to the baby's room. We didn't want to close the door so it would stay ventilated, so we put up the baby gate. She cried occasionally, and she was barking during this picture!

Mommy made Zoe try out our first big baby gift! She didn't like it until we put the bone cookie on the tray!

Those room pictures really didn't do our struggle justice, it was a pain!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Name that baby!!
Scott and I are down to 3 names now (from 16 that we started with), who knows when we'll pick one! We really love all three and can't pick yet! What do you think?
Madelyn (Claire)
Charlotte (Elizabeth or Claire)
Sadie (Elizabeth)
I keep getting mixed answers!
In other baby news, we ended up taking down the wall paper in the baby's room. We thought it was going to come off nicely (the parts in the closet did!!) but it decided to shred instead. So we bought this thing that you roll over it that perforates the paper, then we spray a gel over it that (I guess?) disolves the wall paper glue. Anyways, it's a big huge mess, Scott won't let me do it because he is concerned about me not getting enough oxygen, so am I. He's about done though. Our goal is to get it primed and possibly painted by the end of the weekend. I've been taking pictures of the progress, so I need to get them loaded up to the computer!
The weather turned cold and rainy for a few days, and my body seems to be taking it pretty hard. My knees, hips, and back all hurt, as well as the muscles in between. I'm walking pretty stiffly, and I'm having a hard time getting up from sitting or bending over at all. I'm afraid this is what it's going to be like through the winter. Thank goodness we live where there are mild winters!
Madelyn (Claire)
Charlotte (Elizabeth or Claire)
Sadie (Elizabeth)
I keep getting mixed answers!
In other baby news, we ended up taking down the wall paper in the baby's room. We thought it was going to come off nicely (the parts in the closet did!!) but it decided to shred instead. So we bought this thing that you roll over it that perforates the paper, then we spray a gel over it that (I guess?) disolves the wall paper glue. Anyways, it's a big huge mess, Scott won't let me do it because he is concerned about me not getting enough oxygen, so am I. He's about done though. Our goal is to get it primed and possibly painted by the end of the weekend. I've been taking pictures of the progress, so I need to get them loaded up to the computer!
The weather turned cold and rainy for a few days, and my body seems to be taking it pretty hard. My knees, hips, and back all hurt, as well as the muscles in between. I'm walking pretty stiffly, and I'm having a hard time getting up from sitting or bending over at all. I'm afraid this is what it's going to be like through the winter. Thank goodness we live where there are mild winters!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Funny Story
This weekend, we had a garage sale. We had an old couch, a desk, a desk chair, a washer and dryer set and a couple of living room tables plus lots of random items and clothes, and we decided that we really wanted to get rid of it all! So we've been planning it for a while, ran an ad in the newspaper. Friday afternoon, we had the garage door open and we were working on pricing and arranging all the stuff. A neighbor lady came by. I can't remember her name though. She's originally from Germany and her husband is into gardening and is in a gardening club. He gave us a bunch of flowers for our front yard this summer. Anyways, that's all I know. So Germany comes by and says, I saw your great ad in the paper! I've got just a few items that I've been wanting to get rid of, would you mind if I brought them over to sell in your garage sale? Sure, we say, no problem! Just price them and bring them by! So we finish up and go inside about 6pm, but we still haven't seen her again. I just figured that she'll come back over at 7am when we open again. Well, we didn't see her again, so I looked down the street and she's got her own garage sale going on!! Complete with signs and everything!! I was so mad!! It was $25 to run the ad in the paper and she's getting all of our foot traffic!!! Scott just laughed at me, but I was upset. She had people constantly in her driveway and we'd have no one!! Also, we saw at least one person use our driveway to turn around in to go back to her house!!
So I'm checking the mail when I got home today, and this guy walks up and asks how our garage sale went. We'd not met, but it turns out that he lives on the other side of Germany. Nice guy. I told him that we sold our big stuff, and that was the point of the sale so it was successful. He asked how I liked our neighbor lady and her garage sale too. I said it was weird since she didn't have one planned originally!! He laughed and said that her and a few other old ladies on the street wait until someone else on the street is having one then they have one too!! I couldn't believe it! I thanked him for telling me that, then I didn't feel so bad. It's not just me, she does it to everyone! Now I can laugh but not on Saturday!
The sale was fine though, we moved our big items and made a little extra cash. That's good since we just picked up our baby furniture! Our bedding should arrive today or tomorrow, then we'll pick paint colors and get started on the nursery. Green walls, pink and green bedding, cherry furniture. I'll post pics as we get going!
So I'm checking the mail when I got home today, and this guy walks up and asks how our garage sale went. We'd not met, but it turns out that he lives on the other side of Germany. Nice guy. I told him that we sold our big stuff, and that was the point of the sale so it was successful. He asked how I liked our neighbor lady and her garage sale too. I said it was weird since she didn't have one planned originally!! He laughed and said that her and a few other old ladies on the street wait until someone else on the street is having one then they have one too!! I couldn't believe it! I thanked him for telling me that, then I didn't feel so bad. It's not just me, she does it to everyone! Now I can laugh but not on Saturday!
The sale was fine though, we moved our big items and made a little extra cash. That's good since we just picked up our baby furniture! Our bedding should arrive today or tomorrow, then we'll pick paint colors and get started on the nursery. Green walls, pink and green bedding, cherry furniture. I'll post pics as we get going!
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