Monday, January 26, 2009


My last post was on Sunday. I ended up back in L&D on Monday, but as soon as I got hooked up to the monitors, the contractions stopped. I felt dumb, but the nurse was extremely nice and told me that I'm always doing the right thing by coming in if I'm afraid that something is wrong.

I went back to my doctor on Thursday and she reran the fetal fibronectin test and it came back negative again, which gets me to 33w3d (32w today). I am not working this week or next week. If my doctor thinks I'm good to go back to normal activity, I will try to go back to work the week after that. It would be the start of my 34th week which is a great milestone for the baby. 37w is considered full term and that is the ultimate goal. March 2 is 37 weeks, so I've told Charlotte that anytime in March is good with me! If I do end up going back to work before she comes, I will start at parttime, probably 4 hours/day, and see how that goes.

This weekend, my family came and the 5 of us cooked a ton on Saturday! I tried to mostly sit down and watch, or cut veggies or whatever, but I know I was up more than I was comfortable with. We cooked full sized meals, then froze them in 2-person portions. We counted about 24 meals for the two of us in our freezer now! Sunday I was exhausted. Scott and I went to church for a whole hour, and that was all I could take. By the time I got back home, I'd had 6 contractions in an hour, so I knew I needed to lie down again after that..

I cannot share more now, but Scott and I are experiencing a personal stress that neither of us need in our lives at this point. (Don't worry, we're good! Still in love, still going strong!) Last week was rough with this new stress and me being on bedrest, so it resulted in us getting snappy with each other. This week is off to a better start! We would ask for prayers for this stress, that we would be at peace with any outcome.

I started an art project last week that will go in Charlotte's room. I'm going to try to finish it up tomorrow or Wednesday then I will post pictures. I'm so proud of how they look right now, I hope they look great once they're done!

For now, the dogs and I hang out on the couch most of the day. Scott comes home for lunch every day and it's a great break for me. I'm afraid of getting depressed while sitting home all day alone, so I really hope that things continue to improve so I can go back to work in a couple of weeks. I don't really have anything else to say, my life is pretty boring right now.

Thank you all for your kind comments on my last post. As far as what you can do for us, just praying would be great. God has Scott, Charlotte and me in his hands, it's hard to remember that sometimes. Thanks for your friendships!


taylor said...

I'm sorry to hear about your bouts of bedrest! Hopefully y'all can stick it out till March (only about another month)... you can do it! I'll be thinking about y'all, for sure. Keep taking it easy!

Anonymous said...

Matthew and I understand about how stress can creep in and make things difficult. I am glad you have it in perspective. Take care and we will continue to keep you in our prayers!