Charlotte is halfway to one! She is getting to be so much fun, I'm looking forward to what this coming month will bring. Charlotte can sit up on her own and play with toys by herself for 5-10 minutes. I've set up a little pallet of a comforter in the living room, so she can sit and play with us in the living room. She rolled over 4 times yesterday, doubling the total number of rolls ever. Charlotte has been enjoying more foods. She's had squash, apples, peas, avacado, peaches, pears and she tried a couple bites of cantalope, but that one didn't work! The rest was ok; she liked the peas way more than we thought she would considering how much she hates green beans! She gets really mad while I am getting her food together, so I bought puffs and she entertains herself with those. She has even gotten a few in her mouth! She has also had a few bites of banana, but those mostly get squished in her fingers.
This past weekend, we went to Bryan, TX and stayed with my grandparents and attended a wedding. Charlotte woke up with a cold on Saturday, so we've been dealing with a stuffy nose and occasional fever since then. She weighed in at 16lbs, 12.5oz today and is 27in long. Didn't get percentages today, but I think it's between 75 and 90% for both catagories. What a big girl! She gained almost 2 pounds in 3.5 weeks; hit a little growth spurt apparently! Now, pictures:
Turning 6mo:

Playing with mom and the puppies in the back yard:

Hysterical face! This cracks us up every time! She makes this face then snorts in and out repeatedly. She thinks it's funny when we do it back to her.

Happy bath time:

Pro pics at 6mo:

Now, 7 months old! This was written on Oct. 15th:
Another month has passed, and it's been a fun month! She's really beginning to learn, and I'm having fun watching her realizations. Yesterday, she was waving a toy around like usual, then she hit it on another plastic toy, then stopped, realizing that it makes a noise! So she put that one down, picked up another, and re-did the experiment; it worked again!!
Also yesterday, she was playing with a cup in the bathtub and was chewing on the rim. She started talking, then realized that it is a different and louder sound than just regularly talking! So she talked into the cup for the rest of the bath. Earlier this month, she realized that if you move your lips when you make noises, it sounds different. Now she "blah, bloh, blahs" all day long!
We have had our first 2-way interaction. The funny snorty face that she was making last month when she was mad, she now makes when she's happy and in a good mood! She loves waiting for you to make it back to her then she laughs! She also makes a funny coughing/laughing noise that she thinks is pretty fun. We go back and forth with both faces and noises and she loves it!
Another funny new thing is that she will suddenly throw her upper body into a 90 degree angle and look at you (or the dog or her toys, whatever!) sideways. You have to be careful if you're holding her; all of her weight changes quickly and you have to adapt or she will fall over!
She is getting so strong; she can hold herself up on the couch or a chair for 2-3 minutes at a time before her legs get tired. She gets so happy when she is standing! Bouncing has begun too. I don't think that's as much fun as she does when I'm aiming the spoon full of pureed carrots at her mouth and she's bouncing around! I've attached some pictures from our month of learning:
Turning 7mo:

A gift made for Daddy for his birthday:

Helping Daddy pack for a trip:

Gnawing on a baby squash at Nana:

Catching the water during bathtime at Nana's:

My little panda butt helping Granddad do some work:

Cheering on the Cowboys with Daddy:

It's a good thing Charlotte wasn't in charge of Noah's Ark!

"I Love My Mummy"

1 comment:
Those pictures are so good!!!
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