I know some of this has already been on here, but this was the email I sent for 3 months:
This past month has been filled with fun for our family! At the end of May, we made our first road trip with Charlotte, up to Ponca City and Stillwater, OK. She did (mostly) great in the car with minimal fussing! We took her to my sister's graduation which was outside in a stadium. She was eating a bottle during part of the time of calling names, and every time a group would cheer or someone would sound an air horn, she would startle and get such wide eyes looking around! During this trip, she met her great grandma Frazier, great aunt Tricia, and one of my best friends, her husband, and their little girl for the first time! We all had a good trip, and it was a much needed break.
Last week was VBS, and Charlotte was not the youngest baby there! Our church has had a baby boom, and there was another baby 2 weeks younger. Charlotte went with me to the opening and closing assemblies, enjoying the lights and people watching. The middle couple of hours she spent in the infant nursery; it was harder on me than her! They said that she never cried (except for the 10 minutes one day that all SIX babies cried!) and that she was welcome back anytime!
Sunday, June 14th, Charlotte was baptised at our church in Tyler. She looked a little startled when the water touched her head, but she snuggled with my mom afterwards and woke up very happy. We've taken her to church 4 or 5 times now, and she's been great every time!
Yesterday, she figured out how to suck her bottom lip and, whenever she was awake, was making kissy suction noises all day! She even woke me up this morning doing that! She is becoming so alert and really enjoys watching the world around her. She'd rather face out than face whomever is holding her. She loves looking at books, and she's reaching for and holding a set of plastic alphabet rings now. She watches the dogs run outside and grabbed a hold of Zoe's face one morning. Zoe looked startled but just sat there! I had to unfist Charlotte's hand, then Zoe went right back to licking her!
No pictures tonight, but I'll do them soon!